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Kelsey Flynn

Turn it Into Art

While I am working, I like to listen to music or podcasts to keep me company. Nothing too heavy so I can manage to keep focused on both sewing and listening, but one of my favorite authors & podcasters is Brene Brown. In one episode, she talked about working through pain and struggle and this quote stuck with me -

It seems to not be her original words, but it’s where I first heard the phrase. These words run through my head on the bad days, when I need to complete the stress cycle by being physical or using my hands to create something. Sometimes, the pile of to-dos is so overwhelming, or seeing my un-put-back-together sewing room so messy, that it is hard to go in there, but I hear Brene’s voice in my head….take your broken heart and turn it into art.

The stress of the day - unwinds as you turn a pile of fabric into a quilt.

The needs of others - fade as you get in the zone.

The sound of the TV chatter - disappears as you crank up your cheesy show tunes.

The piles of dishes - can stay in the sink a few hours longer.

The laundry - needs another spin cycle anyways.

Sleep? - Eh, we’ll get there eventually.

Just take that broken heart and turn it into art.

With each item I sew comes a bit of love. I don’t officially have a ritual of praying over things, or adding a certain item to each package I mail out, but I definitely think about the customer or recipient as I am creating. Please help baby & mama have a safe delivery. I hope he knows how much his grandma loved him. I wonder about all of the adventures this shirt went on. How many hugs are in this sweater?

Each creation heals a little more. And regardless of how hectic it is trying to coordinate pickup, drop off, a trip to the post office, or whatever it may be, seeing the smile on the recipient’s face or getting that “wow, it’s amazing!” text is worth every headache. And not for selfish accolades, but it’s for knowing that I did my part to make the world a little bit better today. Piece by piece (literally), I can help add positivity to the world.

Check out some quotes from Brene here, or her own website here!

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1 comentário

07 de out. de 2022

What a beautiful reflection of the phrase and how you turn the feelings in your heart into art. Your art truly blesses others. I know that your talent has blessed me more than once. ❤️🥰

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