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Kelsey Flynn

The Best Thing I'll Ever Make

I am proud of every project that leaves my sewing room, but the greatest thing I’ll ever make a truly spends very little time in my sewing room because it isn’t safe for them there. I’m talking about my babies. I currently have a 2.5 year old* and an 9 month old* and they are the absolute light of my life. They are my reason for hustling, so I can hopefully spend more time with them. They are the reason I get up in the mornings - literally and figuratively. They are who is on my mind when I’m making a t-shirt from 13 years of school shirts - one day, they will have their own collection and I’ll have to pare through to find our favorites for the quilt.

But for all the projects I have and the business I’m trying to grow, nothing will ever be more important or more impressive than them. I can still feel the absolute awe I had the first time I saw the little fluttering heartbeat on my first ultrasound. Wow. Took my breath away. And now that same tiny bean is a walking, talking, sassy, but polite!, sweet sweet girl. She isn’t shy to share her opinions but does so with manners - when I tell her it’s bath time, she replies “no thank you, not yet, I not dirty”. And for the tiny little cherub boy - I knew what to expect at that ultrasound but still amazing to see and to bring a second life into this world. To see him be his own person but also to watch them interact. It’s my greatest blessing.

For all the sewing talent I have, all of the ability to teach and share what I know. None of it will ever amount to my babies growing up into kind humans. I promise to teach my babies to love your babies. ♥️


**Reflection time

I wrote this post back in January of this year. Not much has changed in my heart, but the babes sure have gotten bigger! Nora is now 3.5 and Hudson is 18 months! The biggest change in our family (besides the inevitable growing up of the children) is that I am home now. I left the classroom after 11 years of teaching to be able to spend more time with my babies. I do have a (few) part time job(s) to keep me busy, and one of them I want to focus more on is growing my sewing business! I am blessed to be able to teach some after school sewing classes and I am on the look out for more opportunities like that, as well as projects. T-shirt quilts for Christmas or graduations? I'm your girl! Keep me in mind for your projects! I actually have time to complete them now! :)

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